GiF (Girls in Film) is a series of social events aimed at creating a space of support, inspiration and collaboration for female filmmakers.
It’s a platform to spark conversation and bring together a community of women working in film through panel talks, screenings and various other events.
On Thursday 25 August, GiF launches a series of collaborative events with 71a Gallery, home of Little White Lies and Huck magazines.
Given the amount of female talent in international film, these events will call on that network to share wisdom and expertise from across the industry.
The first event will be a presentation of short films chosen from submissions by female directors, writers, editors and cinematographers.
The screening will also be attended by writers from Little White Lies, the bi-monthly print magazine committed to championing great movies and the talented people who make them.
A discussion will follow, with an opportunity to network and socialise.
Music provided by DJs Mischa Mafia and Lola Chatterton.
This event is free but you will need to book your place HERE.